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Twilight Princess (Elezeid Fix)

by Elezeid

Uploaded on Nov 13, 2023 (and last updated on Nov 14, 2023)

This is repaired version of an old Twilight Princess SoundFont that was incomplete. I named and organized all of the instruments so that they are (more or less) in GM (General Midi) order. It's not a full GM soundfont. Other instruments have been moved to different banks based on category. 0 GM (Not full!) 1 Pianos 2 chromatic percussions 3 organs 4 guitars 5 basses 6 strings 7 ensemble 8 brass 9 reed 10 pipe 11 synth lead 12 synth pad 13 synth effects 14 Ethnic 127 Per...

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These files have an unknown license, were obtained from unkown sources or were compiled from third party material.

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SuperSponge (PSX) Soundfont

by tahutoa

Uploaded on Aug 07, 2021 (and last updated on Aug 07, 2021)

The game itself is only occasionally fun, but the music is consistently stellar. A majority of it is to do with 4matt's exquisite composition skill, but another small part of it is owed to his excellent sample selection. Three years ago, SaladPlainZone directed me to the Development Archive for the game. Through it, I pored over all the game's .xm tracker files, extracting each and every sample. Over the course of two weeks I crafted, in several parts, what would become m...

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Musical Artifacts is an open source web app helping musicians to find, share and preserve the artifacts they use for music production. It's worked on by volunteers in their free time.
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