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Bomberman Hero soundfont

by HandlebarOrionX

Uploaded on Aug 12, 2018 (and last updated on May 19, 2024)

This soundfont is freaking amazing! If you liked Jun Chikuma's work on Saturn Bomberman and her personal soundcloud, you'll love this because it's got most of her funky hip hop and jazzy bosa novan instruments right here. You owe it to yourself to downlaod this if you wanna recreate that drum and bass sound.

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Licensing Gray Area
These files have an unknown license, were obtained from unkown sources or were compiled from third party material.

This is cool!
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WCW/NWO Revenge soundfont

by HandlebarOrionX

Uploaded on Aug 10, 2018 (and last updated on May 19, 2024)

If you liked the Virtual Pro Wrestling (WCW/NWO World Tour) N64 soundfont you're gonna LOVE this one. My god this is a SEXY soundfont. It kicks all the butts and will blow you away. Also high in quality

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Licensing Gray Area
These files have an unknown license, were obtained from unkown sources or were compiled from third party material.

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Musical Artifacts is an open source web app helping musicians to find, share and preserve the artifacts they use for music production. It's worked on by volunteers in their free time.
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fantasia (4) fluidsynth (4) linuxsampler (4) qsampler (4) qsynth (4)

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sf2 (4) zip (4)