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Toy Keyboard Soundfont 2.0

by That Animatronic Person

Uploaded on Feb 09, 2023 (and last updated on May 19, 2024)

I decided to remake my first soundfont since the other one wasn't really that good lol. This version includes stuff from the other one that I missed. I also fixed the noise in the background and the piano sounds better. This was made by audio ripping an old toy keyboard I had laying around. I then took all the samples and composed them into a soundfont. If you're wondering what the exact keyboard I used is, its an FI-1264

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Licensing Gray Area
These files have an unknown license, were obtained from unkown sources or were compiled from third party material.

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Keyboard Cat Soundfont

by That Animatronic Person

Uploaded on Dec 22, 2022 (and last updated on May 19, 2024)

You remember that video of a cat playing a piano that used to be very popular a long time ago? Well I turned it into a soundfont! I made this out of boredom. Please note that this soundfont may not be perfect since all of the sounds came from the original video.

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By small Creative Commons BY 3.0 Unported
Extra considerations: If you use this in a video or a song, please credit me as "That Animatronic Person".

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Live HQ Natural SoundFont GM V2.5.1

by UnderxPipe1985

Uploaded on May 17, 2020 (and last updated on May 19, 2024)

V2.5 - This is the biggest update and also this may be the final version. This is a soundfont that I compiled with high quality presets, mostly made by me, sampled from my Korg Pa700 and Roland JUNO-DS keyboards, everything in less than 1 GB, highlighting balanced and live quality pianos, guitars, basses, and more! Also includes 4 midi demo songs.

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