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Amen Break Beat for Hydrogen

by Brian the Lion

Uploaded on Mar 03, 2017 (and last updated on May 19, 2024)

The "Amen Break" is a 6 second drum beat which was originally played by Gregory Sylvester Coleman in the song "Amen Brother" by "The Winstons" in 1969. It is probably the most popular drumbeat in the world because it is used (and some would say "over-used") in many forms of Hip-hop, Jungle, Rock, Drum and Bass and Breakcore music. The history behind this beat is quite extensive and interesting and is well summarised on Wikipedia at the following link: http://en.wikipedia.o...

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RetroDrums One

by Tic Tok Men

Uploaded on Aug 24, 2015 (and last updated on May 19, 2024)

These are samples of old drum machines I've collected over the years. Not all recordings were done in house (but all are free use licenses). The sample set consists of several drum machines (listed below). Each drum machines sounds are spread out over each octave from C1 to C7. There are, in some cases, sounds from some machines that have been grouped with others. This is because that machine had more then 12 sounds. But, the basic layout is the same on each. C = Bass Dr...

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All Rights Reserved to Tic Tok Men
Extra considerations: These sounds are available for personal or professional use in musical compositions. You may redistribute the original zip files under the following conditions. 1) Samples must be redistributed FREE OF CHARGE. They are not to be sold without written permission of The Tic Tok Men. 2) The "read_me" text file contained in the zip packages must remain intact and unaltered. With that, download away and go make some music.

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